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About Course

M.Sc in Sport Science is a postgraduate Education course. Sport Science is the application of scientificate principles and techniques with the aim of improving sporting performance. Sport Science offers Students the oppertunity to develop a specific area of expertise. You can choose to do a researchbprojectbin any subject-discipline of sport science. Examples include but are not limited to: Sport Performance, Performance Analysis, Sport Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, including Environmental Physiology, Biomechanics, Kinesiology and Sport Injuries, Sport Psychology, Sport and Leisure Mnagement. Course includes physical therapis, certified atheletic trainers, health and physical education teachers, business owners, personal trainers, chiropractors, wellness, cousellors, military personnel, and other health/fitness areas.The duration of the course is two years and its syllabus is divided into four semesters.



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